What is Remedial Massage?
Remedial Massage is the direct manipulation of the muscles to facilitate a desired tension release and thus relief in the body. Its purpose is to take the body away from a state of tension and ease it back towards being loose and limber.
When muscles become knotted and tense or damaged, remedial massage provides a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow. Remedial massage holistically treats the body. The massage therapist endeavours to identify the original biomechanical dysfunction, thus healing the cause of the disorder, as well as the symptoms. Remedial massage uses several specialised techniques to locate and repair damage to muscles, tendons and joints. A lubricating medium (usually oil) is applied directly on the skin. This ensures that the muscles associated with the disorder are deeply penetrated. Passive joint stretching moves are also used.

Key benefits of Remedial Massage
Key benefits of remedial massage include the stimulation to the blood supply allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed; the calming of the peripheral nervous system to ease pain and discomfort; and the toning and relaxing of muscles to improve joint mobility. An improvement to the health of the cells, the repairing of tissues, and the easing of stiffness and tension can also be experienced through therapeutic relaxation. Muscular and skeletal dysfunctions often addressed with remedial massage include muscle tightness and pain, arthritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, whiplash, neck and back pain, scoliosis, headaches and sports injuries. Remedial massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy as it addresses the aches, pains and injuries many of us seem to fall prey to at some stage in our lives. Remedial massage is a varied therapy and combines a number of different techniques such as massage, trigger points, myofascial release and lymphatic drainage techniques to work on damaged or sore muscles, soft tissue or joints.
How You Will be Assessed
We will talk through your problem areas and discuss how long you have been affected. We will look and listen for clues in order to provide an effective treatment plan, looking for the original biomechanical dysfunction, and so healing the cause of the disorder, as well as the symptoms. If you have an injury or painful point that needs work, don’t expect us to only work on that body part – for instance if you have a sore thigh muscle, you may favour the other leg imperceptibly to avoid causing more pain to the original affected area, thus causing strain on the other leg. Also, you may be feeling pain in one part of the body that is “referred”, meaning that isn’t the part that is in fact injured. Remedial massage aims to correct chronic imbalances. The techniques may be gentle or firm, deep or shallow, depending on your preference and what the issue requires. Remedial massage can holistically address the whole body to ease out tension, and repair damage to muscles, joints, tendons and soft tissue.
Trigger point release
We target and release key areas of the muscles known to create bundles of painful tension and referred pain that can mimic nerve like symptoms.
Trigger points are located within common sites in the muscles and they form as a result of hyper contraction of fibers within the muscle. This creates the build up of a knot and as it remains, the muscle around the knot begins to tighten, creating a palpable taut band that is also characteristic of trigger points. Together this creates the sensation of extreme tension and discomfort, that is often difficult to release on your own
Active Release techniques are utilised as a means of releasing trigger points, which is a method of applying pressure to the muscle whilst taking it through a direct stretch.